Although it’s not remarkable to see someone walking onscreen ‘Perfection’ is set in Los Angeles, the city of cars and freeways. Yet, this LA appears more intimate. Its exteriors appear filtered as if filmed through a gauzy haze as Kristabelle (Christina Beck) walks around the neighbourhood. A striking figure with pronounced blonde bangs, clad in large sweaters and black brogues. A home life shared with her glamorous Mother Sally (Robyn Peterson) their environment is defined by their addictions. Kristabelle with freshly, bloodied scars on her upper thighs self-harms her way to feeling alive whilst Sally addicted to plastic surgery tries to maintain a younger Hollywood aesthetic. At times each thrives on a past nostalgia connected with their old lives and younger selves that rely on a currency, an emphasis associated with youth and desire. “Oh Tony looked so handsome then," remarks Sally whilst watching old westerns starring her husband. Kristabelle’s punk rock adolescence is remembered through the eyes of a younger man, the brother of an old childhood friend. The original posters of ‘The Damned’ ageless images are still tacked on her bedroom wall. Director/Writer: Christina Beck Producers: Tatiana Kelly, Annette Murphy Co-Producers: Beth Dewey, Robert Poswall Director of Photography: Robert Poswall Editor: Katy Skjering Composer: Marika Tjelios Cast: Christina Beck, Robyn Peterson, David Melville, Jeff Kober, Jackson Davis and Jamela Biggs. Best Narrative Feature – Oxford Film Festival, Mississippi, USA Best Actor – Christina Beck Information about the film can be found here Slice – the short film version of the feature ‘Perfection’ can be viewed on YouTube:
Jennifer Farfort